Dietitian, Registered Subspecialties:

Dietitian, Registered:
This is a health care professional that suggests proper food and nutrition, to promote good health. They have numerous roles from preparing special diets, doing research, preparing food and educating others on good eating habits. Dietics is the study of nutrition directly relating to health.
Nutrition, Metabolic:
Metabolic Nutrition offers a wide range of healthy solutions for sports performance, weight loss and general health and wellness. This is the study of how diet and nutrition can affect metabolism. Athletes in training often use this to help them perform optimally.
Nutrition, Pediatric:
Pediatric Nutrition considers the dietary needs of infants to help support growth and development. This includes changes in organ function and body make up. The purpose of Pediatric Nutrition is to ensure a child receives adequate nutrition to grow and develop properly.
Nutrition, Renal:
Is concerned with the special dietary needs of kidney patients. It is concerned with making sure that kidney patients eat the best foods to make dialysis efficient and to improve overall health. It is important to follow the health regime set out by health professionals, to ensure the best possible outcome.